Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will explain what information we collect online, why we collect it, and the choices we offer to you. This privacy policy (“Policy”) describes the data practices of Cosmic Softworks(“Cosmic Softworks”) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “we”, or “Company”), covering its services under its control, including this website, any products, mobile applications, console or PC applications (collectively "Services"). By using the Services, you are consenting to this Policy and the processing of your data in the manner provided in this Policy. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use the Services. This Privacy Policy was last updated on August 1st, 2023.

Your Consent

By downloading and playing our games, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and you particularly consent with the collection, use and disclosure of your information. You are always free to opt out of the information collection by not using our mobile games or services.

Kids Privacy Policy

We have to protect children’s privacy and safety online which contains fulfilling with limits on marketing to those users under 13. Without their legal guardians’ consent, children under 13 cannot use any of our games/apps. In addition, they may not install, use or access these apps, or are intreated to expunge them from their device in case of earlier installation if they or their legal guardians disagree with any term in this Privacy Policy.

Parents & legal guardians of children under 13 have certain rights under Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA,, and Cosmic Softworks recognizes those rights.

Our Kids Games contain third parties SDKs that gets non-personal information and Kids’ Determined Device Identifier through the use of the Kids Games/Apps. Both, non-personal information and Kids’ Persistent Device Identifier may also be kept on the user’s device through usually putative industry technologies used within Kids Apps (cookies, local storage).

Information We Collect

We may collect information about the Services you use and how you use them, such as the selections you make on our Services. We collect PII, DII, and log information about your interactions as described below.

Personally identifiable information (PII) is information that can be used to identify or contact you online or offline, such as your name, address, email, phone number, photos or audio data, and payment information. The Service may collect PII when it is provided to us, such as when you use our Services, attempt to contact us, submit a resume or job application, or connect with us on social media or one of our partners. For example, you may see a “Log in with…” button, which means we request PII from a partner to streamline the login the process. You will likely be presented with a “request for permission” screen by a third party asking to share your ID, profile picture, and other listed information with us.

Our Services also collect information about your interactions, including navigation paths, search queries, crashes, timestamps, purchases, clicks and shares, and referral URLs. We may combine this data with PII and DII. For efficiency’s sake, information about your interactions may be transmitted to our servers while you are not using the app. We may also partner with third parties that collect additional information – please see their privacy policies for more details and see below for your choices regarding these parties.

We may also create or collect device-identifiable information (DII), such as cookies, unique device and advertising identifiers, statistical identifiers, usernames, and similar identifiers that are linkable to a browser or device. From these platforms, we may also receive other information, such as your IP address, user agent, timestamps, precise and imprecise geolocation, sensor data, apps, fonts, battery life information, and screen size.

How We Use Information Which We Collect

We use the information we collect from our Services to provide, maintain, protect and improve our Services, to develop new Services and offerings, and to protect us and our users. PII is primarily used for business purposes, such as for sending you occasional newsletters and updates, hiring, responding to inquiries, logins, and providing Services.

For legal reasons - We will share PII with companies, outside organizations or individuals if we have a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request, detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues or protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of our users or the public as required or permitted by law.

When you contact us, we may keep a record of your communication as well as the other information to help solve any issues you might be facing. We may use your email address to inform you about our Services, such as letting you know about changes or improvements. Please keep in mind that comments sections, forums, and other similar areas of our Services are public. Any information posted in those areas is viewable and usable by anyone that has access.

For external processing - We provide PII to our affiliates or other trusted businesses or persons to process it for us, based on our instructions and in compliance with our Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

In case of a sale or asset transfer - If we become involved in a merger, acquisition or other transaction involving the sale of some or all of our assets, user information, including PII collected from you through your use of our Services, could be included in the transferred assets. Should such an event occur, we will use reasonable means to notify you, either through email and/or a prominent notice on the Services.

Sharing Information

We will share your (personal) information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this privacy statement. We may disclose your personal information only in the following cases:

Cosmic Softworks admits advertisements (banners, interstitials.) from third parties ad networks. These advertisements may be displayed in our games/apps. Advertisers may use cookies and other web-tracking latest technologies to collect data in case the user clicks on any of these advertisements.

While we strive to work with reputable companies with good privacy practices, this Policy does not apply to services offered by other companies or individuals, including products or sites that may be displayed to you on the Services. We also do not control the privacy policies and your privacy settings on third-party sites, including social networks. We may use third parties to help offer you more tailored ads and better Services, such as obtaining analytics about the users of our site and to help tailor advertising to your preferences. For further information, please see the relevant privacy policies for each third party and industry codes of conduct.

We use DII to operate our Services and manage user sessions, including analyzing usage of our Services, preventing malicious behavioral and fraud, improving the content, to link your identity across devices and browsers in order to provide you with a more seamless experience online, and helping third parties provide relevant advertising and related metrics. We share DII with third parties primarily for advertising and analytics purposes, for external processing, and for security purposes.

Third Party Advertising and Analytics Solution Providers

We show third party advertisements within our apps. These ads and services are not under the control of Cosmic Softworks who is therefore not responsible for the availability or content of such external sites or services. But we always apply filters in Ad networks to show ads to users as per their ages and content rating!

Information Security

We work hard to protect our users from unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of information we hold and undertake reasonable security measures with appropriate confidentiality, integrity, and availability protections. However, since no software or storage system is 100% secure, we cannot guarantee for the security of your information associated with the Services, or any other service for that matter. You can help protect your account information by using unique and hard-to-guess passwords.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We aim to provide you with reasonable opportunity to access, update, and delete to your PII. In some cases, we may have to keep that information for legitimate business or legal purposes. When updating your information, we may ask you to verify your identity before we can act on your request.

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will post any Policy changes on this page, including material changes. Please check back periodically to view changes to our privacy policy.


If you have questions or requests regarding our privacy practices, please contact us at